Extended ID

Findings of DVV

Response of HEI



1. Input edited as per the IIQA
2. Provide appropriate document duly certified by the Principal
3. Provide authenticated Year wise list of students approved by the affiliating University

As suggested by DVV, Input has been presented as per the IIQA.
1. Five year University affiliation letter and PCI
2. Five year students year wise approved by the affiliating University
3. All documents digitally signed by the Principal

View Detail 1.1


1. Provide authenticated list showing Number of final year outgoing students year wise during last five years duly signed by competent authority
2. Provide appropriate document duly certified by the Principal.
3. Documents provided over Google Drive will not

1.2 Extended DVV reply
1. Authenticated (Signed by Controller of Examination) five year outgoing list of students year wise and duly signed by competent authority/Principal.
2. Outgoing student results signed by Controller of Examination and authenticated Digitally signed by the Principal.

View Detail 1.2


1. Provide authenticated list of all full time teachers indicating the departmental affiliation during the assessment period authenticated by the Principal/ Competent authority.

2.1 Extended DVV reply
All full time department wise list of teacher’s assessment period 2018-2019 to 2022-2023 authenticated and digitally signed by the Principal.

View Detail 2.1


1.Provide authenticated list of all full time teachers indicating the departmental affiliation during the assessment period year wise authenticated by the Principal.
2. Provide Letter of Appointment for selected faculties can be sought by DVV

2.2 Extended DVV reply
1. All full time Department wise list of teacher’s assessment period 2018- 2019 to 2022-2023 authenticated digitally signed by the Principal.
2. Total 83 faculty appointed in last five year without repeat count.
3. Total 83 appointment letters digitally signed by the competent authority/Principal.

View Detail 2.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. kindly provide authenticated Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure duly certified by the Principal and Charted Accountant in case of privately funded institutions highlighting the salary component.
3. Also provide a statement showing the total expenditure excluding the salary component, depreciation and excess of income over expenditure for each of the years certified by the Principal and Charted Accountant

3.1 Extended DVV reply
1. Audited statement of income and expenditure duly certified by Principal and charted accountant. Salary highlighted in audited statement by YELLOW COLOR.
2. Certificate also attached showing the salary.
3. Statement showing total expenditure excluding the salary component, depreciation and excess of income over expenditure for each of the years certified by the Principal (Complete detail given in audited statement certified by the CA).

View Detail 3.1

Metric ID

Findings of DVV

Response of HEI



1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2.Provided links in data template not working kindly provide working links
3.Kindly provide Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BOS meetings highlighting the list of name of the new courses introduced

1.2.1 DVV reply

1. Data Template Link:
2. University affiliation letter mentioning existing programs and newly introduced three programs in 2021-2022.
3. Minutes of relevant Academic Council and BOS meetings highlighted with YELLOW COLOR, the name of the new courses introduced.

View Detail 1.2.1


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Kindly provide Brochure and Course content or syllabus along with course
3.Provide Course completion certificate is required

1.3.2 DVV reply
1. Provided Brochure, course content digitally signed,
2. Course completion certificate and list of students digitally signed by Head of the Institute.

View Detail 1.3.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated Syllabus of the program highlighting components offield projects / research projects / internships
3. Provide Program and course contents having element of field projects / research projects / internships as approved by BOS with due credits
4. Provide Internship completion certificate given to the students by the host organization

1.3.3 DVV reply
1. College running one UG and ten PG programs, as per PCI in UG in final year project work, in M.Pharm final year research project, and PharmD fifth year and PharmD final year internship and project work: highlighted the components in YELLOW COLOR.
2. Minutes of BoS and course content with credits highlighted.
3. Internship completion certificate given to the students.
4. All documents digitally signed by Head of the Institution

View Detail 1.3.3


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide Feedback need to be collected from each categories of stakeholders as mentioned

1.3.3 DVV reply
1. Feedback collected from each categories of stakeholders, analysis and action taken report digitally signed uploaded.

View Detail 1.4.1


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2.Provide authenticated Document relating to sanction of intake approved by competent authority.
3. Provide Letter(s) to / from affiliating university indicating the sanctioned and admitted seats for each program ( Not applicable to stand alone institutions)
4. Provide Final admission list as published by the HEI and endorsed by the competent authority.

2.1.1 DVV reply
1. Authenticated Document relating to sanction of intake approved by competent authority – Affiliating University approval and Pharmacy Council of India
2. Letter(s) from affiliating university indicating the sanctioned and admitted seats for each program
3. Final admission list as published by the HEI and endorsed by the competent authority.

View Detail 2.1.1


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. In case of minority institution applicable / approved reservation policy may be provided.
3. Provide Final admission list indicating the category as published by the HEI and signed by competent authority/ Admission extract submittedto the state social welfare department every year signed by the principal.
4. Provide Approval of additional intake of students has to be submitted for the claim.

2.1.2 DVV reply
1. Institute is not under the minority. Reservation policies implemented as per the Punjab Government norms (all admission made by the Affiliating University – List attached signed by competent authority of admission with reservation status.
2. Final admission list indicating the category as published by the HEI and signed by competent authority.
3. Detail attached as per the state government/PCI.

View Detail 2.1.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated documents showing Student - Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) duly signed by competent authority

2.2.2 DVV reply
Authenticated documents showing Student - Fulltime teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) duly signed by competent authority
1. Letter of student-full time teacher ratio.
2. Full-time faculty list (latest completed academic year)
3. List of students in various programs in the academic session 2022-2023.
All documents digitally signed by the competent authority.

View Detail 2.2.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated list showing Average percentage of full time teachers appointed against the number of sanctioned posts year wise during the last five years duly signed by competent authority
3. Provide Authenticated document from related Govt. organization/ management.
4. Provide Appointment letter of teachers

2.4.1 DVV reply
1. Authenticated list showing Average percentage of full time teachers appointed against the number of sanctioned posts year wise during the last five years duly signed by competent authority
2. Faculty required for all programs detail authenticated by competent authority as per the Pharmacy Council of India.
3. Appointment letters of teachers digitally signed.

View Detail 2.4.1


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Input edited as per the attached documents
3. Provided documents are not visible Kindly provide clear documents
4. Provide Ph.D. /D.Sc. / D.Litt./LLD and equivalent degree completion certificate of faculties
5.Provide Provisional Degree Certificate/Notification for Award may be considered wherever Degree certificate is not available

2.4.2 DVV reply
1. Input edited as per the attached documents
2. Documents provided in clearly visible form.
3. List of Ph.D faculty worked/working during the assessment year
4. Ph.D degree completion Certificate of faculties last five years digitally signed by Principal.

View Detail 2.4.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide consolidated documents showing Average teaching experience of full time teachers (Data to be provided only for the latest completed academic year, in number of years) duly signed by competent authority
3. Provide authenticated Experience certificate of faculties authenticated from competent authority

2.4.3 DVV reply
1. Consolidated documents showing Average teaching experience of full time teachers (latest completed academic year 2022-2023) in number of years) duly signed by competent authority
2. Authenticated Experience certificate of faculties authenticated from competent authority

View Detail 2.4.3


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide List of the faculties along with date of joining working continuously (without any break) during the assessment years authenticated by the competent authorities.
3. Provide List of full time teachers worked in the institution during the first year of the assessment period authenticated by the competent authorities.

2.4.4 DVV reply
1. List of the faculties along with date of joining working continuously (without any break) during the assessment years authenticated by the competent authority (Principal).
2. List of full time teachers worked in the institution during the first year of the assessment period and latest completed academic year authenticated by the competent authority (Principal).

View Detail 2.4.4


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated Reports from Controller of Examination (COE) mentioning the name of the program, end date of the examination and date of announcement of the results along with the number of days elapsed, for all the programs for each year of the assessment period
3. Provide authenticated Result Sheet with date of publication

2.5.1 DVV reply
1. Authenticated Reports from Controller of Examination (COE) mentioning the name of the program, end date of the examination and date of announcement of the results along with the number of days elapsed, for all the programs for each year of the assessment period.
2. Authenticated Result Sheet with date of publication signed by examination and digitally signed by Principal. Only first page of result B.Pharm, and complete result M.Pharm and PharmD attached due to large file size.

View Detail 2.5.1


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide Minutes of the grievance cell /relevant body
3. Provide authenticated list of students who have applied for revaluation / retotaling program wise/ any other grievances related to examination certified by Principal/ Controller of Examinations year-wise for the Assessment period

2.5.2 DVV reply
1. Minutes of the grievance cell
2. Authenticated list of students who have applied for grievances related to examination certified by Principal year-wise for the Assessment period.

View Detail 2.5.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated Annual report of COE highlighting pass percentage of students
3. Provide authenticated Certified report from Controller Examination indicating pass percentage of students of the final year (final semester) eligible for the degree program wise / year- wise

2.6.2 DVV reply
1. Authenticated Annual report of COE highlighting pass percentage of students
2. Authenticated Certified report from Controller Examination and Chief controller of examination/Principal indicating pass percentage of students of the final year-wise

View Detail 2.6.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated List of faculty who have been awarded seed money for research along with the title of the project, duration and amount year-wise.
3. Provide Sanction letters of award of seed money to the teachers is mandatory.
4. Provide Audited Income- Expenditure statement highlighting the relevant expenditure counter signed by the Principal indicating seed money provided and utilized

3.1.2 DVV reply
1. List of faculty along with the title of the project, duration and amount year-wise digitally signed by the Principal.
2. Sanction letters of award of seed money to the teachers by the Management, and signed by the competent authority.
3. Audited Income- Expenditure statement highlighted with PINK COLOR and counter signed by CA and Principal indicating seed money provided and utilized.

View Detail 3.1.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated e-copies of the award letters of the teachers.
3. Provide authenticated List of teachers who have received the awards along with the nature of award, the awarding agencies.

3.1.3 DVV reply
1. Authenticated list of teachers who have received the awards along with the nature of award, the awarding agencies
2. Authenticated e-copies of the award letters of the teachers.

View Detail 3.1.3


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provided documents are not visible kindly provide clear authenticated documents
3. Provide authenticated List of grants for research projects received during the last five years along with the nature of award, the awarding agency and the amount.
4. Provide e-copies of the letters of award
5. Sanction letter of grants by the funding agency

3.2.1 DVV reply
1. Properly visible and digitally signed documents uploaded
2. Authenticated list of grants for research projects received during the last five years along with the nature of award, the awarding agency and the amount.
4. E-copies of the sanction letters of award uploaded received by the funding agency.

View Detail 3.2.1


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered

3.2.2 DVV reply All documents uploaded on DVV and college website.

View Detail 3.2.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated e-copies of letters from the University indicating the name of the Guide / co-guide recognized
3. Provide Data pertaining to only teachers of the Institution during the assessment period

3.2.3 DVV reply
1. Authenticated list of approved guide in the affiliating University along with e-copies of letters/e-mail received from the Affiliating University indicating the name of the Guide / co-guide recognized
2. Only teachers considered under this metric approved as a research guide. University approved guide circular marked by RED BOX.

View Detail 3.2.3


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2.Provided documents are not authenticated kindly provide authenticated documents
3. Provide Copy of the syllabus of the research methodology course work.
4. Provide Constitution of the ethics committee and its proceedings approved by the appropriate body.
5. Provide Constitution of research advisory committee and its proceedings approved by the appropriate body.
6. Provide Bills of purchase of plagiarism check software in the name of the HEI.
7. Provide web link on the institutional website which should lead to the landing page where Code of Ethics for research is hosted

3.4.1 DVV reply
1. College is affiliated to University. All the schemes and syllabus approved by the BoS College same as recommended by the University. All documents authenticated and uploaded.
2. Constituted ethics committees: Institutional Animal Ethic Committee (Approved by CPCSEA, Govt. of India), Institutional Ethic Committee (Approved by CDSCO, Govt. of India) and Biological safety committee. Proceeding of the ethic committee uploaded.
3. Constituted Research Advisory Committee and its proceedings approved by the appropriate body – uploaded.
4. Affiliating University provided Turnitin Plagriasm check software facility to all approved research guide. Letter of University providing plagiarism software along with proof provide this facility to faculty uploaded.
5. Code of ethics for research (in the name of Research Policies) hosted on Webpage.

View Detail 3.4.1


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated Copy of the letter received / sent to the affiliating University regarding registration of students in the institution.
3. Provide Copy of the joining letter(s) of Ph.D. students joining in the institution along with the copy of the proceedings of Vice Chancellor for admission into Ph.D.

3.4.2 DVV reply
1. Letter of students registered for Ph.D year wise along with authenticated Copy of the letter received/sent to the Affiliating University regarding registration of students in the institution.
2. Copy of the joining letter given by students for joining as Ph.D scholar/student under Autonomous status as well as Affiliating University.

View Detail 3.4.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. The HEI should provide the link to the journal website/paper/ article.
3. The HEI should provide screenshots of research articles clearly showing the title of the article, affiliation, name of the journal, year and authors name if the links and DOI number are not available
4. The HEI should indicate in the data template against each paper about the presence of the paper in the UGC CARE list

3.4.3 DVV reply
1. The link of the Journal provided with the list of paper with DOI web-link
2. Screenshots of some research articles uploaded while complete list with links and DOI number uploaded
3. Data template against each paper showed the presence of the paper in the UGC CARE list

View Detail 3.4.3


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provided documents are not authenticated kindly provide authenticated documents
3. Provide E-copy of the Cover page, content page and first page of the publication indicating ISBN number and year of publication for books /chapters

3.4.4 DVV reply
1. Documents are authenticated and digitally signed by the Principal.
2. E-copy of the Cover page, content page and first page of the publication indicating ISBN number and year of publication for books /chapters uploaded.

View Detail 3.4.4


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provided documents are not clear kindly provide visible authenticated documents
3. Provide Audited statements of accounts authenticated by CA/ FO indicating the revenue generated through consultancy and corporate training.
4. Provide Letter from the beneficiary of consultancy/corporate training along with details of the consultancy fee

3.5.1 DVV reply
1. Documents are clearly visible uploaded and authenticated. Documents uploaded.
2. Audited statements of accounts authenticated by FO indicating the revenue generated through consultancy and corporate training and authenticated by the Principal.
3. Letter from the beneficiary of the consultancy uploaded.

View Detail 3.5.1


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated Detailed report for each extension and outreach program to be made available, with specific mention of number of students participated and collaborating agency

3.6.2 DV V reply
Authenticated detailed report for each extension and outreach program with specific mention of number of students participated and collaborating agency uploaded list, photographs, news, and reports.

View Detail 3.6.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated Copies of functional MoUs / linkage /collaboration for last five years
3. The HEI should provide the summary of the collaboration indicating start date, end date, nature of collaboration etc.
4. Provide authenticated List of year wise activities and exchange for each claim

3.7.1 DVV reply
1. Authenticated Copies of functional MoUs / linkage /collaboration for last five years uploaded
2. The summary of the collaboration indicating start date, end date, nature of collaboration etc.
3. Authenticated List of year wise activities and exchange for each claim with photographs, reports, and news etc.

View Detail 3.7.1


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Kindly provide consolidated documents showing Percentage of expenditure excluding salary, for infrastructure development and augmentation year wise during the last five years duly signed by competent authority
3. Provide the consolidated fund allocation towards infrastructure augmentation facilities duly certified by the Head of the Institution.
4. Highlight the relevant items in the audited income and expenditure statement duly certified by CA
5. Along with Audited statement of accounts of the HEI, a consolidated statement of expenditure excluding salary components for infrastructure development and augmentation duly attested by the competent authorities

4.1.2 DVV reply
1. Consolidated documents showing percentage of expenditure excluding salary, for infrastructure development and augmentation year wise during the last five years and signed by the competent authority.
2. Consolidated fund allocation towards infrastructure augmentation facilities certified by the Head of the Institution.
3. Audited statement highlighted with ORANGE COLOR (balance sheet five years) of the relevant items in the audited income and expenditure statement duly certified by CA and competent authority.

View Detail 4.1.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide consolidated extract of expenditure for purchase of books and journals for the last five years duly attested by Head of the Institution and CA.
3.Provide Audited Income/Expenditure statement highlighting the expenditure for purchase of books and journals

4.2.2 DVV reply
1. Consolidated extract of expenditure for purchase of books and journals for the last five years duly attested by Head of the Institution and CA.
2. Audited Income/Expenditure statement highlighted with BLUE COLOR in the five year balance sheet and attested by head of the institution and CA.

View Detail 4.2.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered

4.3.2 DVV reply
1. Data available on website digitally signed by Head of the Institution. All relevant documents attached as per the criteria.

View Detail 4.3.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Kindly provide consolidated documents showing Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years
3. Provide Maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities duly certified by Head of the Institution and CA

4.4.1 DVV reply
1. Consolidated documents showing percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years
2. Maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities duly certified by Head of the Institution and CA (balance sheet highlighted by GREEN COLOR)

View Detail 4.4.1


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Upload policy document of the HEI for award of scholarships and freeships.
3. Upload sanction letter of scholarship authenticated by head of the institution.

5.1.1 DVV reply
1. Policy for award of scholarships and freeships uploaded.
2. Sanction letter of scholarship authenticated by head of the institution.

View Detail 5.1.1


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide Web-link to particular program / scheme including copy of circular /brochure
3. Provide Photos with date and caption for each scheme or event.

5.1.3 DVV reply
1. Web-link to particular program / scheme including copy of circular /brochure Activity Links:
2. Photos with date and caption for each scheme or event uploaded.

View Detail 5.1.3


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide Minutes of the meetings of student grievances as per the metric.
3. Provide Proof of constitution of Committee such as Internal Complaints / Grievances Committee including sexual harassment and ragging cases formation as per UGC regulation.

5.1.4 DVV reply
1. Minutes of the meetings of student grievances as per the metric uploaded.
2. As per the UGC regulation, constituted such as Internal Complaints, Grievances Committee including sexual harassment and ragging uploaded.

View Detail 5.1.4


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Kindly provide authenticated Year-wise list of students placed along with placement details such as name of the company, compensation, etc
3. Upload supporting data for students who have joined for higher education in prescribed format for the last five years.

5.2.1 DVV reply
1. Authenticated Year-wise list of students placed along with placement details such as name of the company, compensation, etc uploaded.
2. Uploaded supporting data for students who have joined for higher education such as Letters, News, etc.

View Detail 5.2.1


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated List of students qualified year wise under each head.
3.Provide Qualifying Certificates of the students taking the examination year wise under each category
4. Kindly provide certificate of students

5.2.2. DVV reply
1. Authenticated list of student’s qualified year wise under each head uploaded.
2. Qualifying Certificates of the students taking the examination year wise under each category uploaded.

View Detail 5.2.2


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered

5.3.1 DVV reply
1. List of students received for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activity at various level during the last five year uploaded.
2. Certificate, award, medal, photographs with date and caption uploaded.

View Detail 5.3.1


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered HEI input edited as per
2. Kindly provide authenticated Report of the events/along with photos appropriately dated and captioned year- wise and Circular/brochure indicating such kind of activities
3. Provide authenticated List of events with number of student participants.
4. Provide authenticated Report of the Technical fest/academic fests along with photos appropriately dated and captioned year- wise.

5.3.3 DVV reply
1. Authenticated list of events with number of student participants.
2. Authenticated Report of the events/along with photos appropriately dated and captioned year-wise and Circular/brochure indicating such kind of activities
3. Authenticated Report of the Technical fest/academic fests uploaded.
Activity Links:

View Detail 5.3.3


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide Alumni Association Registration certificate
3.Provide authenticated Annual audited statements of accounts of HEI highlighting Alumni contribution duly certified by Chartered Accountant

5.4.1 DVV reply
1. Alumni Association Registration certificate.
2. Authenticated Annual audited statements of accounts of HEI highlighting Alumni contribution duly certified by Chartered Accountant with RED BOX.

View Detail 5.4.1


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provided documents are not authenticated kindly provide authenticated documents
3. Provide Institutional expenditure statements for the heads of e-governance implementation reflected in the audited statement.
4. Provide ERP contract Document

6.2.2 DVV reply
1. Authenticated documents uploaded.
2. Institutional expenditure statements for the heads of e-governance implemented AND reflected in the audited statement with BLUE BOX.
3. ERP contract Document, renewal of payment, and transaction detail uploaded.

View Detail 6.2.2


1.Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. provided documents are not authenticated kindly provide authenticated documents
3. Provide Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
4. Provide E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers and list of teachers receiving financial support year wise under each head.
5. Provide authenticated Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to teachers to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee for professional bodies

6.3.2 DVV reply
1. Authenticated documents uploaded.
2. Policy document on providing financial support to teachers uploaded.
3. E-copy of letters indicating financial assistance to teachers and list of teachers receiving financial support year wise under each head uploaded.
4. Authenticated Audited statement of account highlighted with BLUE BOX for the financial support to teachers to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership.

View Detail 6.3.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated e-copy of the certificates of the program attended / course completion by teachers

6.3.3 DVV reply
1. List of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs)/Management Development Programmes (MDPs) during the last five years.
2. Authenticated e-copy of the certificates of the program attended / course completion by teachers uploaded.

View Detail 6.3.3


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Kindly provide authenticated Annual audited statements of accounts high lighting the grants received.
3. Provide Copy of letter indicating the grants/funds received from respective agency asstated in metric

6.4.2 DVV reply
1. List of Grants received from government/non- government bodies, philanthropists year wise during last five years uploaded.2. Authenticated Annual audited statements of accounts highlighted with YELLOW COLOR.
3. Copy of letter indicating the grants/funds received from respective agency as stated in metric uploaded.

View Detail 6.4.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide Proceedings of AAA, meeting reports of IQAC, Feedback analysis and action taken report.
3. Provide authenticated List of Activities conducted under Collaborative quality initiatives with other institutions.
4. Provide Any other quality certificate from any recognized state/national/ international agencies for the assessment period.
5. Provide authenticated Supporting document to be provided as per the options selected.

6.5.3 DVV reply
1. Proceedings of AAA, meeting reports of IQAC, Feedback analysis and action taken report uploaded.
2. Authenticated List of Activities conducted under Collaborative quality initiatives with other institutions.
3. Quality certificate from other recognized state/national/international agencies for the assessment period uploaded.
4. Authenticated Supporting document to be provided as per the options selected: AICTE-CII, ARIIA, IIC, MSMS-BI, NIRF, etc uploaded.

View Detail 6.5.3


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provided documents are not authenticated kindly provide authenticated documents
3. Provided documents are not properly visible kindly provide visible documents
4. Provide Any other relevant proof for the selected options.
5. Provide Permission document for connection to the grid from Government / Electricity Board or Authority

7.1.2 DVV reply
1. Authenticated documents uploaded.
2. Properly visible documents uploaded.
3. Photographs geo-tagged, bills uploaded.
4. Solar bill uploaded.

View Detail 7.1.2


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide Bills for the purchase of equipment for the facilities created under this metric.
3. Provide Any other relevant evidences for the selected options.

7.1.4 DVV reply
1. Bills for the purchase of equipments for the facilities created under this metric uploaded and locally constructed facilities i.e. rain water harvesting, open well-recharge, construction of tanks – Geo-tagged photo attached.
2. Relevant evidences related to metrics: committees, policies, etc. uploaded for maintenance of water bodies, and distribution system in the campus uploaded.

View Detail 7.1.4


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provided documents not authenticated kindly provide authenticated documents
3. Provide authenticated Policy document on environment and energy usage
4. Provide Certificate/Award from the auditing agency /recognized agency
5. Kindly provide authenticated Report on environmental promotional activities conducted beyond the campus with geo tagged photos with caption and date.
6. Provide Any other supporting document for the claims made.

7.1.6 DVV reply
1. Authenticated documents uploaded.
2. Authenticated Policy document on environment and energy usage digitally signed.
3. Certificate/Award from the auditing agency /recognized agency uploaded.
4. Authenticated Report on environmental promotional activities conducted beyond the campus with geo tagged photos with caption and date digitally signed and uploaded.
5. College organized awareness program for protection of environment and sustainability activities.

View Detail 7.1.6


1. Documents provided over Google Drive will not be considered
2. Provide authenticated Policy document on code of ethics (students, teachers, governing body and administration)
3. Provide Proceedings of the monitoring committee.
4. Provide Circulars and geo tagged photos and caption of the activities organized under the metric for teachers, students, administrators and other staffs
5. Provide Handbooks, manuals and brochures on human values and professional ethics

7.1.10 DVV reply
1. Authenticated Policy document on code of ethics (students, teachers, governing body and administration) uploaded.
2. Proceedings of the monitoring committee uploaded.
3. Circulars and geo tagged photos and caption of the activities organized under the metric for teachers, students, administrators and other staffs uploaded.
4. Handbooks, manuals and brochures on human values and professional ethics uploaded.

View Detail 7.1.10
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